"You're under arrest!"... then what?

PLEASE TEXT REID LAW FIRM AT (205) 913-7406 OR E-MAIL reidfirm@gmail.com

What to Do After Getting Arrested for DUI or Drug Possession

The Reid Law Firm handles non-violent criminal defense, meaning we see a number of DUI and drug possession cases. Most of our clients are first time offenders, unsure of where to go next. The first thing I always say is that driving under the influence can harm you and others, and there is no reason to ever take that risk. However, once a decision has been made that leads to an arrest, my focus as an attorney is how to help my client move forward. If you or someone you know has been recently arrested, the state of Alabama offers many first time offenders second chances on the condition that they take responsibility for their actions and follow the terms of a pre-trial diversion program. Pre-trial diversion allows the individual the opportunity to have the case dismissed if certain conditions are met. Generally, the client must agree to drug testing, community service, and drug or alcohol classes. Aside from helping with trial and pretrial work, attorneys also have the ability to appeal a license suspension. This is extremely beneficial for anyone who aims to get his or her life back on track.

Making Intelligent Choices for the Future

I should say as a precaution, the process is not always easy. However, if you show humility and follow the directions given, your arrest shouldn’t haunt you forever. The majority of those arrested for DUI or misdemeanor drug offenses are not arrested a second time. After a years time, the whole event can easily become a thing of the past. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes it takes an enormous mistake to gain necessary perspective. I hope that everyone in this situation is able to reflect and make safe and intelligent choices moving forward. As an attorney, it is such a tremendous privilege to see clients who came to us years ago with an arrest totally turn their life around. In certain cases, we refer our clients to counselors who can help the client deal with the issues that come from addiction. Often we are able to find faith-based counselors who don’t even charge a fee. Also, we have other counselors we can refer clients to that will do an excellent job as well. As an attorney, I don’t want to just help mitigate the legal issues. I do what I can to put people in the best position to move forward and make better choices.

Have a legal question or need to schedule an appointment?

Please e-mail me at reidfirm@gmail.com
cc: Ciara.reidlawalabama@gmail.com and nick.reidlawalabama@gmail.com  
You can text us 24/7 at 205-913-7406