Jesus didn’t come to save the righteous but to lead sinners to repentance. Don’t ever try to straighten your life out first before coming to Jesus…. Come to Jesus and he will straighten your life out. It will take time and you will never be sinless because as long as we still have the flesh we will at times yield to it. Don’t be discouraged or overcome with guilt but take your sins to your father and ask him for help. God loves it when his children cry out for his aid and admit they can’t do it on their own. He never gets tired of hearing “I need you please help me”.
Power Pride and the Fall: Reflections on our leaders and the Easter Message
Becoming powerful is not inherently wrong, all of us should seek to use our influence to make this world a better place, but we must realize that seeking power for its own end is as frivolous as chasing after the wind, because we can never obtain enough power to bring us peace, nor receive enough praise to find joy. The message of Easter is that